HELLOOOOOO !!! I'm your webmaster, Seraphimeat !!! Please call me Seraph, Meat or Meaty !!! I'm a Filipino transmasc agender angel-clown-vampire-simulacrum thing !!! I am currenty 17 years old :333 I'm an artist , and enjoyer of men . specifically old men xD I'm a HUGE fan of My Little Pony, Digimon, Pokemon , Castlevania, South Park, Splatoon and Ghost !!! I spent like my ENTIRE life online, amd having a private corner of the web 4 myself was my dream ! I started learning HTML literally like two months ago LMFAO I barely know what I'm doing man . I'm making this site to hold info about things I like , and my collections , and my art . I want this website 2 evolve into something I can b really proud of !!! watch it grow with me !!!